When I was contacted about reviewing Growing an In-Sync Child: Simple, Fun Activities to Help Every Child Develop, Learn, and Grow I was thrilled and couldn’t wait to get this book. The author Carol Kranowitz brought us the book The Out-of-Sync Child which is considered the Bible for parents coping with Sensory Processing Disorder. Co-Author Joye Newman is the founder and director of Kids Moving Company. She has designed a unique method for developing and enhancing children’s perceptual motor skills. Now that’s a great start for a book.
About the book:
First let me say this book is for every child. It explores the importance of early motor skills and how it effects a childs physical, emotional, academic and overall success. It includes the In-Sync Program of sixty activities that are fun and are made to enhance a childs development in just minutes a day.
The Review:
EVERY parent should buy this book! I wish I would have sought out this information when my son was an infant. My oldest has Sensory Processing Disorder and knowing some of this material included in this book would have made my life easier.
Several important factors are mentioned in this book. One of which is sooner isn’t better. I think new parents like to compare when their child hits a milestone to when other children do. I know a big one is “my child didn’t crawl they walked right away.” This book tells you why it’s important to complete all the steps in development. It also explores how and why movement is important.
The In-Sync Activity Program: The majority of this book is the In-Sync Activity Program. These are simple activities to perform with a child rated on a scale from beginner to advanced with extra activities as a child develops. There is also a sample menu of activities for such occasions as going to the grocery store, preparing to do homework and instead of video games. Upon figuring out what your child needs you can make menus of your own. If you have an “out of sync” child like I have these not only help, but are necessary for us to enjoy ourselves. The exercises definitely help calm him down. I truly believe that what you do at home helps so much more than anything anyone else can do for your child. These are simple activities that require little or no equipment.
In conclusion this book is on my list for a gift to any new parent. It’s full of information that is useful to everyone and helpful to anyone that might feel their child isn’t quite making it. I’m definitely adding this to my resource guides on parenting.
Thank you to Penguin publishing for supplying me with a copy for review.