“Everytime we feel satisfied with what we have, we can be counted as rich, however little we may actually possess.” -Alan De Botton Truer words have never been written. As my son’s 12th birthday approached I asked him if he wanted to have a party. The question seemed to bring him great sadness. He answered, “I want a party, but I don’t want to ask for gifts. I know it makes … [Read more...]
To Be Overbooked or Underbooked, That is the Question? #MomLife
I’m not sure if this is going to come across as a humble brag or a cry for help but here I go… we’re rounding into the 5th week of summer here in the Hudson Valley and my kid is rounding into his 5th different summer camp, he’s going to a total of 7 camps in 8 out of the 10 weeks of his summer break. Crazy stuff right!? Just before summer kicked off one of my friends … [Read more...]
Mommy? Is That You? #RealMomStories
I haven’t had a swimsuit in years. As my weight started creeping up, I found it impossible to want to try one on, let alone wear it in public. The summers went by and I either didn’t spend time outdoors at all or I dipped my toes in the pool or the lake and called it a day. My husband was the one that took the kids swimming. I was the indoor mommy, in charge of crafts and … [Read more...]
The Best of Last Week #RealLife
This week I'm a day late writing this post, but I didn't get the feedback that I was looking for from my last post. I wasn't sure if learning about my week was fun for you, but I thought I would give it another go! Maybe opening the post with a picture of my cat wasn't a good idea. LOL! So, here we go... The Best of my Week: Well, it started on a Sunday and an … [Read more...]
What I Loved this Week #RealLife
* This post may contain affiliate links. These are truly things that I love and have not been influenced.* Recently, I have seen a few bloggers post about their week. Originally, when I started my 10 Things I Learned posts that is what I was looking to do with my blog. Then that evolved into something else and I will continue to post about what I've learned, but now I want to … [Read more...]