The list of things I learned this year is long. Longer than my 10 things, but here are a few things that I've learned as we are closing out the year. Frankly, I am so glad this year is going to be over. While we had a few highs, the lows have been incredibly painful. What is it that Miley Cyrus said, "It's the climb."? Yes, I'm quoting a Miley song, but there is truth in those … [Read more...]
10 Things I Keep Learning #LifeLessons #10Things
When I'm putting together a post like this I reference tiny pieces of paper, Post-Its, and this time even a napkin to see what I felt I learned. Sometimes I'm angry when I write my list, sometimes happy, cocky, sad, and just about every emotion. That is why I like to pool the lists together so I can give you a mix, after all, I am a mix of all of those things. Aren't we all? … [Read more...]
Words Of Wisdom : 10 Things I Learned from Family
It has been quite some time since I posted a “10 Things” list. My friend passed away in February and I just haven’t been able to write much since then. 2019 has been a challenging year for us. You can only witness a little slice of a persons life online and I like to keep things upbeat. I am not one to post every tidbit, even though some might think I do. We recently went on a … [Read more...]
10 Things January Taught Me #LifeLessons
I still haven't caught my groove yet in 2019, but I'm working on it daily. While 2018 wasn't a huge hit, it wasn't bad either. I can do better. So, I thought I would start off the year fresh and not filtered. The ten year challenge had been buzzing around Facebook when the month started (also the 1st profile pic comparison to today's pic) and friends and I joked about how it … [Read more...]
10 Things This Year Has Taught Me #LifeLessons #10Things
It seems as if the my New Year theme this year is going to be #Adulting. I think I'm ready for it. So, many lessons have been learned this past year and I feel as if I know where I need to focus my energy. It is not going to be easy, but most things in life that are worth anything aren't. As usual my January calendar is packed, but I am going to take time this month to reflect, … [Read more...]